Sangowale Atanda Ajala was born into Esin Orisa Ibile( Traditional Yoruba Religion) and son of International Batik artist and Sango/ Obatala Babalorisa SangoDare Ajala.
What eventually became Sangowale Ajala was actually a little of a baby boy delivered by Apetebi Funmilayo Arinke Ajala of blessed memory one afternoon in Osogbo where Eledumare delivered her first born son.
Ile l'aawo ka to s'omo loruko is a cryptic Yoruba proverb that always guides the yoruba man anytime he wants to bless the new born baby. Sangowale's name means''King of thunder(Sango)has come home''. He was born to his parents Sangodare Gbadegesin Ajala who is one of the greatest Sango and Obatala priest in Osogbo and Apetebi Funmilayo Arinke Ajala both from Osogbo, Osun state in Nigeria.
Sangowale's destiny was the first son in the family, and as being the first son born into traditional religion,he was allowed to acquire primary,secondary a bit of tertiary education(western education) in Osogbo and he attended and graduated from the college education in Oyo, but learned from his father since childhood traditional religion,how to make and use herbal preparations for all human illness by his father priest Sangodare Gbadegesin Ajala, and other elder herbalist, Babalawo, Bablorisa, Iyalorisa, Iyanifa within Yorubaland.
Sangowale learned about Orisa(deity) from his father and also traveled away from home to learn about Erindinlogun and Ifa divination. He also learned how to worship the Orisa(deity)as well.
Sangowale Ajala was initiated to IFA and Sango over 15 yrs ago and has led initiations in Yorubaland and the U.S.